SPA Holds a High-Level Political Forum Event on Recovery in the Amazon
On July 7th, 2022, the Science Panel for the Amazon held an official UN HLPF event titled “A Green and Inclusive Recovery in the Amazonâ€. SPA authors André Baniwa, Liliana Dávalos, Andrés Lescano, and SPA Co-Chair Carlos Nobre presented their perspectives on the link between deforestation and disease, the risks of future pandemics in the Amazon, and the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on the Amazon.
The Amazon is one of the regions most affected by the COVID-19 crisis and has also long been approaching a tipping point of no return. The region’s ecosystem services are threatened, which could lead to major humanitarian and environmental crises, including future pandemics and catastrophic global climate change impacts. This HLPF side event highlighted how the Amazon region and Indigenous communities have been affected, and discussed potential solutions to build resilience, avoid future pandemics and irreversible tipping points, and advance sustainable development pathways—including restoration, investments in science, technology, innovation, and bioeconomy.
The event ended with a lively Q&A discussion between the panelists expanding further on their presentations. If you missed the event and would like to rewatch it, you can watch it on our youtube channel.