UNWE and SDSN Bulgaria will host a conference on Responsible Production and Consumption

UNWE and SDSN Bulgaria will host a conference on Responsible Production and Consumption

University of National and World Economy and SDSN Bulgaria will co-host the Third Sofia Conference for Early-Stage Researchers within the ENGAGE.EU alliance, which will be held on 21-22 November 2024. This year’s conference topic is Responsible Production and Consumption: Current Issues and Advances Towards SDG12.

The main goal of the Conference is to bring together early-stage researchers affiliated with ENGAGE.EU partner universities who are interested in the current status and challenges of Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., junior faculty members, post-docs, post-graduate researchers, etc.). The Conference also aims to facilitate communication and future collaboration among representatives of these target groups as well as to involve interested university partners from SDSN Bulgaria.

Participants will have the opportunity to meet either in person or online, and to present their work-in-progress or completed research at an international forum with a strong presence of peers.

The conference will feature several topics related to SDG12, among which:

  1. Environmentally friendly production. Policies towards decoupling economic growth from resource use and environmental degradation. Minimizing the exploitation of natural resources throughout the entire production and consumption processes.
  2. Circular economy. Sustainable business models. Remanufacturing, Recycling, or Recovering products and materials. Policies towards fostering sustainable production.
  3. Green economy. Encouraging innovations for decreasing energy consumption and the overall pressure on environmental resources.
  4. Sustainable consumption. Minimizing the utilization of toxic materials, the waste and pollutants generated by mass consumption. Policies encouraging consumption of eco-friendly products with biodegradable components and lower energy inputs.

See more information here and here.

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