

Присъедини се към SDSN Youth Bulgaria

SDSN Bulgaria обявява конкурс за студенти, които да се присъединят към младежката организация на Мрежата и които да спомогнат за създаването на устойчив свят за бъдещите поколения. Мрежата за решения за устойчиво развитие на ООН (Sustainable Development Solutions Network – SDSN) е инициатива, стартирана от Генералния секретар на ООН Бан Ки Мун през 2012 г. […]


SDSN Bulgaria took part in the largest forum in Italy for sustainable development – Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile 2024

Dr. Atanas Dimitrov, Manager of SDSN Bulgaria, participated in the “Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile 2024 – Only one”. The event took place on 15th May 2024 and was organized by Luiss Guido Carli University within the eighth edition of Italy’s largest sustainable development forum – Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile 2024. In his presentation, Atanas Dimitrov […]


The 2023 Sustainable Development Report is out

For the third year in a row, global progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been static, and there is a risk that the gap in SDG outcomes between high-income countries (HICs) and low-income countries (LICs) will be larger in 2030 than when the goals were universally agreed upon in 2015, reveals the latest […]


New book on Green and Circular Economy

‘Green and Circular Economy through the Eyes of Banks’ is a new book by Virzhiniya Zhelyazkova, Professor and Doctor of Science at VUZF and Environmental and Social Affairs Coordinator in one of the largest banks in Bulgaria. The book examines the shifts that are taking place in the business environment as a result of climate […]