SDSN Bulgaria participated in Thessaloniki Sustainability Summit 2024

SDSN Bulgaria participated in Thessaloniki Sustainability Summit 2024

Thessaloniki Sustainability Summit 2024 was held on 11th September 2024. The event was organized by SDSN Black Sea and brought together scientists, local authorities, politicians, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders to discuss the way to the Summit of the Future. SDSN Bulgaria was represented by its Co-chair and Rector of University of National and World Economy Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov.

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohrindski”, also member of SDSN Bulgaria, was represented at the event by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Stefanova, Vice-Dean “Sustainability, Empowerment, and Engagement” at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

See more info here.

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