SDSN events took place in New York, USA
SDSN Bulgaria was represented by its Co-chairs
Several SDSN events were held in New York in the period 18-21 September, in which SDSN Bulgaria participated through its host institution – the University of National and World Economy.
On 20th of September, the co-chairman of SDSN Bulgaria and rector of the UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov participated in the SDSN Network Chairs Meeting which was aimed at discussing priorities and progress on Agenda 2030. Prof. Dimitrov presented the example of the UNWE towards energy transformation and sustainability.
On the next day, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Musov, Co-Chair of SDSN Bulgaria and UNWE Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, participated online in the Meeting of the SDSN Leadership Council. The event was focused on the role of SDSN in a changing world and how the SDSN can contribute to tackling the major challenges to our planet.
The aim of these important meetings was to contribute to the efforts for achieving the UN Global Goals which were the key focus of the UN SDG Summit and the UN General Assembly.